
For a long time, I thought love was something I had to earn. I believed that love was the reward that would come if I were smarter, financially successful, highly regarded by those around me, or if I gave more. I was convinced deep down that if I became the version of myself that the world deemed was “good” enough that I would be loved. But I have come to realize that love isn’t about being perfect; it’s about being real. The difficult part in being real has been accepting that my flaws, scars, and the embarrassing and messy emotions that comprise my life are all part of the giant collage that makes me who I am.

And I am worthy of love.

I am worthy of love not because of what I accomplish or give to others, but because every human being is deserving and worthy of love…

I deserve love that is kind, gentle, and love that doesn’t ask me to change or hide pieces of myself. I deserve love that stays through the storms and meets me where I am. I deserve the kind of love that sees the light in me, even when I struggle to see it myself.

And so, I choose to believe in my worth. I choose to know that I am enough, just as I am, right here and right now. Love is not something I have to chase—it is something I allow myself to receive. I am worthy of love, and I will embrace it, knowing it’s been mine all along.

Erin McGrath Rieke

erin mcgrath rieke is an american interdisciplinary activist artist, writer, designer, producer and singer best known for her work promoting education and awareness to gender violence and mental illness through creativity.



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