The I Am I Am I Am project is a year-long journey of self-discovery and artistic reflection. Inspired by the profound simplicity of the phrase "I am," this endeavor explores the layers of identity shaped by a lifetime of experiences—creative, personal, and medical. Through revisiting past artwork, excavating buried writing, and reckoning with a complex psychiatric history, the objective is to weave together the fragments of an evolving self.

This project is not about crafting a tidy narrative but embracing the messiness of existence—the transformations, contradictions, and moments in between. I Am I Am I Am is an exploration of presence, resilience, and the unyielding thread of "being" that persists through every challenge and triumph.

I AM. I AM. I AM.***

I AM. I AM. I AM.***

I AM. I AM. I AM.*** I AM. I AM. I AM.***

"I am" is not merely a statement of existence; it’s an invitation to explore what it means to be. This project is not about crafting a neat, cohesive narrative of my life. Instead, it’s about embracing the messiness, the contradictions, and the unresolved questions. It’s about finding the threads of continuity in a life that often felt disjointed. Over the course of this year, I will revisit my art, my writing, and my medical history with curiosity and compassion. I will seek to understand not just the moments of transformation but also the spaces in between—the quiet, unnoticed times when I was simply existing. This is not a quest for answers but a practice of presence, of acknowledging the "I am" that persists through every change, challenge, and triumph.

As I embark on this journey, I’m reminded of the power of storytelling—not just the stories we tell others but the ones we tell ourselves. Who am I when I strip away the roles, the labels, and the expectations? Who am I in my art, my words, and my memories? Who am I in the stillness of simply being? This project is not just a year-long endeavor; it’s a commitment to living fully, honestly, and authentically. It’s a reminder that, no matter where I’ve been or where I’m going, I am.