the shouting from those around me is deafening. the anger and frustration that pollutes the air and creates negative energy in the atmosphere becomes so contagious, i feel it’s spreading like a california wildfire. and i fear the disenchantment with humanity, because i have already seen the horrors of what people can do to one another. i feel its that i have lived through pain and anguish so that i may understand it better when i see it in others. (or perhaps that’s what i try to tell myself to keep moving forward, so i don’t simply give up on this journey altogether.)
i have been forced to dig deep in search of my truth. what i have found is that it is necessary to know myself and accept myself unconditionally. it is important to be honest-but that honesty is most important when looking at myself.
i would like to rattle on with some other thoughts, but i have entirely too many things that i am juggling at this moment.