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Leaning in and trusting myself to make the right decisions feels like standing at the edge of a cliff, facing the unknown. Fear clings tightly—*What if I’m wrong?*—but eventually, the fear of standing still becomes greater. I take a deep breath and lean forward, believing that my feet will find the way.

Trusting myself means embracing uncertainty, accepting that I’ll never have all the answers, and letting go of the need for outside approval. It’s listening to the quiet, inner voice that knows what I need, even when the path is unclear. It’s like learning to walk again—each step uncertain but proof that I am capable.

This trust isn’t flawless; it wavers. But each time I choose to honor that small voice, it grows stronger. It’s about forgiving myself when I misstep, understanding that even mistakes are part of the journey. What matters is not perfection, but the courage to keep moving, to keep believing I am capable of navigating my life.

There’s freedom in this trust, a sense of liberation in knowing I don’t have to wait for certainty. Life is trial and error, a dance of falling and rising. I’m learning that my wisdom comes from the willingness to step forward, trusting that I’ll find my way, no matter where it leads. And in that trust, I find the strength to become who I am meant to be.